F2F with Segro CEO David Sleath « all news

F2F with Segro CEO David Sleath « all news

21st May 2017

The latest in our face to face interviews, saw David Sleath the Chief Executive of Segro, being interviewed by David Hatcher from Estates Gazette. David Sleath joined the firm, which was originally known as Slough Estates in 2007, following 17 years at Arthur Andersen consulting. becoming CEO in 2011. Segro now has a portfolio of over 60 million sq ft of industrial buildings, worth over £7.5 billion. Topics ranged from surviving the 2008 crash and the impact driverless trucks will have on warehouse real estate as accessibility won’t be so important. He cites the key to Segro’s success as building good quality, sustainable buildings in core locations.

Thank you to Hogan Lovells for hosting the event.